The Delhi High Court recently clarified that the National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) does not have the authority to act as a civil or criminal court by investigating cases or issuing binding directions. This decision sheds light on the constitutional mandate and limitations of the NCSC.
What is the NCSC?
The NCSC is a Constitutional body established under Article 338 of the Indian Constitution. It is responsible for ensuring the protection and promotion of the rights of Scheduled Castes (SCs) in India.
Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and three members.
Appointed by: President of India.
Tenure: Members serve a term of 3 years, with a maximum of 2 terms.
Core Functions of the NCSC
Safeguard Monitoring:
Investigate and monitor matters related to the constitutional and legal safeguards for SCs.
Ensure that the provisions for the upliftment and protection of SCs are effectively implemented.
Inquiry into Complaints:
Handle specific complaints concerning the violation of rights or deprivation of safeguards provided to SCs.
While the Commission can inquire into issues, its findings are recommendatory in nature, and it lacks judicial authority.

What Does the High Court Ruling Mean?
The Delhi High Court clarified that the NCSC does not function like a court—it cannot conduct detailed investigations or issue binding directives. Instead, it plays an advisory and monitoring role, recommending action to the appropriate authorities.
This judgment underlines the distinction between investigative bodies and advisory commissions and ensures that the NCSC’s role aligns with its constitutional framework.
While the NCSC plays a vital role in monitoring safeguards and addressing complaints, its powers remain recommendatory. This ensures that the Commission focuses on advocacy and policy improvements while leaving legal enforcement to courts. The recent Delhi High Court judgment reinforces these boundaries, ensuring that every institution functions within its designated authority.